Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000243_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sun Nov 23 16:41:50 1997.msg
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From: "Adam Parrott" <parrottsoft@usa.net>
Organization: Parrottsoft, Ltd.
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 1997 14:29:34 -0600
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Subject: The damp smell has arrived!
Reply-to: parrottsoft@usa.net
CC: mushypd@redrose.net
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Tada! Well, "Tomorrow for sure" HAS arrived, my friends. Before
reading ANY further, stop what you're doing, get out of your chair,
and jump up and down (a little jig if you will). Then finish off your
small personal celebration by grabing a brew and rejoicing with me in
this little moment of rapturous jubilation!
hehe, no seriously, I'm sending the first demo for the Dungeon stage
to Giark this minute, which should be up on the page within a couple
of hours (hopefully). You may then go thinst and downloadeth it.
Yes, it's been months in waiting, but hey, methinks it's worth it!
Giark TRIED to convince me to send something "half-assed" several
times, hehe, but I like GOOD first impressions. Anyhow, excuses
aside, it's here. Go check it out. I have some instructions in with
it (.lha). The level is small, as I haven't had much time to spend on
level designing, but hopefully I can get to that in a couple of days.
Beta testers, tell me what you think (I'm sure I'll hear from Mush
and Pete Cahill!). Again, thanks for the wait. Mail me if any probs.
Advertising (n): the science of arresting the human
intelligence for long enough to get money from it.
Adam Parrott, personal: parrotta@usa.net, work: parrottsoft@usa.net
Member of Team *AMOS* and the IAPA. http://members.tripod.com/~parrottsoft